The Matrix Online Server Emulator

Full Version: Effect Codes ?
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Basicly, i wanted to ask if any of you know some good &playfx codes by any chanse ? cause searching them and randomly going through them can take forever because of all the numbers and letters or even could sombody make a list, if thats not too much to ask.
If you are asking what I think you are asking, check out this thread - there is a good list there :
And be advised that you'll be using big endian with the &playfx command.
(26-07-2012, 03:26 AM)bitbomb Wrote: [ -> ]And be advised that you'll be using big endian with the &playfx command.

Also be advised that a simple search of the forums would have given you the list you wanted.

Ahhh why bother, hes probably moved on anyhow...
those are just a toy anyway
i like fun
What kind of fun Wink?