The Matrix Online Server Emulator

Full Version: Downloading/Openning Matrixonline.7z
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I am getting a ton (over 2,000) errors when extracting the game files. Is this normal?

I feellike I am doing everything that is instructed to download and run the game, but I am quite computer illiterate, so I should ask for a little assistance.
Did you download it gud ? is it 1.42GBish ?
Are you trying to extract it somewhere weird like an administrator-only location while not being an administrator ?
When I got it I right clicked it and selected "extract to folder" and it did perfectly fine. Not sure what you'd be doing to have a problem like that.
The file is 1.463 GB (approx.).

An example of some of the 2,000+ errors is:

! C:\Downloads\Software\MatrixOnline.7z: Cannot open resource\music\4SquareExit.wav
! C:\Downloads\Software\MatrixOnline.7z: Cannot open resource\music\4SquareIntro.wav
! C:\Downloads\Software\MatrixOnline.7z: Cannot open resource\music\4SquareP1.wav
! C:\Downloads\Software\MatrixOnline.7z: Cannot open resource\music\4SquareP10.wav

There are about 2,600 of these errors of varying resources.

Since I am "Computer Stupid", none of it makes sense to me.
What program are you using to extract the files?
I am downloading with the FreeDownloadManager that was linked to in the emulator directions.
I personally used WinRAR, so I'd recommend trying that. Get WinRAR, try to extract your files and let me know if it works.
Well, I downloaded it with FreeDownloadManager, but I extracted with WinRAR. I assume I needed to extract all the files within, correct?
this is all you need to do
Make sure you have like 7GB free on the drive you're extracting it to, that's what those errors look like to me.