The Matrix Online Server Emulator

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/\ Thanks for the suggestion; OM NOM NOM NOM; \/ Napkin please.
/\ gets napkin, < punches komosis in gut for eatin cookie, \/ thinks i could've dealt with it better
^ Has a wicked gut-punch; <goes in search of a new cookie to steal; v will be the next person to post
^ DUH! < Waves cookie to everyone then runs and hides! V Looksi n the wrong place for cookie!
/\ I GOT NO COOKIE GET OUTTA MY HOUSE \/ Is going to say something stupid or about a movie
^ is so wrong bish; < really needs to pee; \/ thinks what I said was stupid...
^ Yuh huh; < is drinking beer before noon; \/ will probably be wearing white after Labor Day
/\ failed breathalyzer; < has not found a new cookie to replace the earlier cookie eaten by komosis; V is gonna try to steal it even tough i just said i dont have it.
/\ Has no Cookies; < produces a whole pack of cookies and holds them up to taunt everyone; V is going to get a Chuck Norris Trump card used on them if he/she/it/thing even thinks about said pack of cookies...
/\ Name associated with hydrant; < Thinks about cookies while eating them; V is a Cookie Monstaar
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