The Matrix Online Server Emulator

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I'm excited like wow all so much that I haven't read anything but thread topics ! I see it's up ! Well frak me runnin' this is great news .
After 12 years I had given up hope and quit visiting MxO. Let's just call it that for nostalgia sake. On a whim today I logged in again. Can't wait to see all in the simulation again !

WEIRD, I ha e two acts here? Or wait, our OG Sony forums account right ?
And fixed! SPOON!
(04-02-2024, 01:23 AM)agentslayer1 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm excited like wow all so much that I haven't read anything but thread topics ! I see it's up ! Well frak me runnin' this is great news .
After 12 years I had given up hope and quit visiting MxO. Let's just call it that for nostalgia sake. On a whim today I logged in again. Can't wait to see all in the simulation again !


1't t00k much l0nger than 3xp3ct3ed to unplug. 1 am h3r3, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3.
Bring back the glory !
(09-09-2024, 03:55 AM)Nickola Wrote: [ -> ]Bring back the glory !

1 pr0m1s3 to h3lp br1ng back the gl0ry of th1s v3rs1on but t0 als0 br1ng y0u s0mth1ng y0u c0uld n3v3r 1mag1n3. 1'm study1ng th3 c0d3, dummy gu1d3, and r3s3arch1ng 3veryth1ng 1 can. Th3 matr1x w1ll c0m3 back 0nl1n3. 1t 1s 1n3vitabl3.
(13-09-2024, 01:46 PM)The1TrueNe0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-09-2024, 03:55 AM)Nickola Wrote: [ -> ]Bring back the glory !

1 pr0m1s3 to h3lp br1ng back the gl0ry of th1s v3rs1on but t0 als0 br1ng y0u s0mth1ng y0u c0uld n3v3r 1mag1n3. 1'm study1ng th3 c0d3, dummy gu1d3, and r3s3arch1ng 3veryth1ng 1 can. Th3 matr1x w1ll c0m3 back 0nl1n3. 1t 1s 1n3vitabl3.
idk idk if ur gonna read this(this fourm is dead anyway) but i was wondering about the code and other stuff if u dint wanna show me thats fine i was curious thats all