The Matrix Online Server Emulator

Full Version: Why there is noone Online?
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I joined the community yesterday and started playing yesterday aswell, and I don't see anyone online in the emulator, It's like a desert, I go to the website and check for players and I see some of them never went online, what gives?
Is this project "dead" or just really really in need of more players?
Seriously, I apreciatte the hard work and congratulate those who are working on this emulator, MxO is a great game, but not if your alone playing it lol.
Why isn't anyone online playing?

P.S.: Is Hyper-Jump disabled? And normal jump for that matter?

@Logan -- I suggest you to read QuiDormit's FAQ before to ask for that.

There're still big limitations in game.
You can't want the game to be full-operative in 2 days since the subscription of your account.

Follow progress and stay tuned, if you wish! Smile
Arcady is right.

As you can see in the FAQ, there is a ridiculous amount of things not completed yet.

Since people aren't really interested in a glorified chat program, no one really logs on anymore.

It will get better at some point.
I see, thanks for the information guys! Are other servers active? Like Hardline Dreams and MxO Live?

I disagree,

I loved logging in yesterday to the MxO world, even if all I could do was TP around like a mad-man on steroids or do a carjump!
Well let me know when you are logging in, I love to hang out with people in MMO's, even if all we can do is chat or walk around! I love the "cyber-punk" environment MxO has and to socialize with people in it, is awesome.
Good way of describing the MxO atmosphere as cyber-punk.

Cant think of a single MMO that has that feel, and MxO makes you feel like you're in the Matrix, good thing really!
I just like the atmosphere, I'm tired of elves, dragons, swords with magic and monsters (altough I'm a big fan of Tolkien) and MxO offers that thing that no other MMO has. Has you said, it has that feel.
Aye, the run down grungy look that the films portrayed so well.

If I was battling some agent on a busy highway or a back alley it'd feel like the matrix to me.