The Matrix Online Server Emulator

Full Version: is this fully online?
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i am kind of confused wether this game is online or not because its called

matrix online server emulator

could i play this game with other people or is it just an offline emulator.
Please read the FAQ's, they will help you understand where we are currently. As long as you promise to read them, I'll tell you some info here.

This project is emulating the server side of the Matrix Online. Using a different launcher and some modified files, you can connect to a server and see other people. Unfortunately, there's not much to do yet aside from run around, use hardlines, and check the city out. Because of this, you won't see many people online yet.
Yes this is fully online.
Emulator just means we didn't steal monolith's code to make it so.
If we did, then it would be "Private server"