The Matrix Online Server Emulator
What MxO was.. - Printable Version

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RE: What MxO was.. - QuiDormit - 25-10-2011

(25-10-2011, 06:57 AM)Gaomon Wrote:
(20-10-2011, 04:46 AM)Codex Wrote: Let's face it; MxO wasn't just your typical MMORPG.

Mxo was more than that. It had unique environments (more than your usual grassland and random creatured THINGS) with unique character customization (more than just elves, humans, and troll like THINGS) with a completely personal fighting style (the list of fighting types and classes MxO had was rediculiously broad).

Not only that, MxO really was the type of game where you could log on, have your character sit down, and just chat with people. It was a virtual world with it's own amazing community, hang out spots, and when you got bored (or felt like kicking @#$) quests to prove your worth and improve your image.

The music alone can bring back great MxO memories.

This emulator is kinda a step to bringing it all back. The company running MxO just gave up, and really removed a chunk from the gaming community. I'm not even the intense gaming type; MxO was the only game I was passionate with. It literally was your own personal matrix. A Get-away. It's honestly a shame they just dropped it like that.

I hope this emulator kicks off, I hope enough people dedicate to making it happen cuz it would make video game headlines.

What was MxO to you?

I Agree with you 100% on this. Let's give some encouragment and chearing to them! Smile

Matrix online was more than a mmo to me, It was having fun, going the clubs in the game partying and listen to the radio or a out break of pvp in mara c and be with friends.

"The Team" (meaning Rajko, as he's the only "team member" here, and he's the guy who has done any actual work on the emulator) doesn't need cheerleaders.

The team needs free time, money, and possibly someone who actually knows how to do assembly / disassembly to help. Even that, I don't think Rajko really "needs," but if someone who wasn't a moron had abilities in those areas, he could at least tell them what to do.

RE: What MxO was.. - rajkosto - 25-10-2011

Actually, talking to professional programmers with software engineering experience really helps, see: pair programming etc
So even if they didnt write any code, i could discuss design with them
Too bad everyone i know who is a professional programmer is making tons of golds by working overtime and thus has no time to talk (and when they do, they sure as hell dont wanna talk about programming)
But yes, cheerleaders who talk about nonsense just posting "GOOD WORK", "We will revive the ECOMANY", etc, don't help at all

RE: What MxO was.. - Vesuveus - 27-10-2011

MxO was so exciting. I had moved back to grad school and signed up for a newsletter regarding beta and launch. I never got an email, so around November of 2004 I started running searches and learned that beta had already started without me! I pre-ordered and jacked in around 2am for the first time. The game was so confusing to me because it was my first mmo. I stopped playing until after the new year. Then, I fell in love!

Discovering the city was the biggest thrill early on. Finding a doorway to no where, leveling up and thinking that dying was so dangerous made me feel like I was really in the Matrix.