The Matrix Online Server Emulator
1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - Printable Version

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1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - The1TrueNe0 - 05-09-2024

Mx0 must be r3st0r3d as cl0s3 to 1t's 0riginal d3s1gn as p0ssibl3. 1 und3rstand that's n0 3asy task, but... d0 y0u th1nk that's a1r y0u'r3 br3ath1ng? As a c0mmun1ty w3 can f1ll in th3 gaps, and 0nc3 r3st0r3d, w3 can 3xpand 1t 1nt0 s0mth1ng far gr3at3r. 1 b3li3v3 1n mys3lf, 1 b3li3v3 1n us, 1 b3li3v3 1n th3 Matr1x.

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - The1TrueNe0 - 13-09-2024

Th1s 1s n0t r0l3play, 1'm n0t 3xp3ct1ng y0u t0 b3li3v3 m3 n0w. 1n t1m3 y0u w1ll s33 wh0 1 r3ally am. y0u w1ll s33 what 1 can d0 w1th1n th3 matr1x and 1n th3 r3al w0rld.

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - Kwdahackerxx - 14-09-2024

okay i get that you wanted to help in some way but you didnt really have to spam on the discord server just saying...

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - The1TrueNe0 - 15-09-2024

like I said, sending 1 message in each thread is hardly a spam. a warning would have been great b4 a ban. it doesnt matter though. you cant get rid of Ne0

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - The1TrueNe0 - 15-09-2024

but 4 what 1t's w0rth, 1'm s0rry

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - Kwdahackerxx - 15-09-2024

(15-09-2024, 02:20 AM)The1TrueNe0 Wrote: but 4 what 1t's w0rth, 1'm s0rry

ok i guess...

RE: 1 am h3r3 n0w, 1 am awak3. 1 can't d0 this al0n3 - The1TrueNe0 - 15-09-2024

I hope the channel recovers