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What MxO was.. - Printable Version

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What MxO was.. - Codex - 20-10-2011

Let's face it; MxO wasn't just your typical MMORPG.

Mxo was more than that. It had unique environments (more than your usual grassland and random creatured THINGS) with unique character customization (more than just elves, humans, and troll like THINGS) with a completely personal fighting style (the list of fighting types and classes MxO had was rediculiously broad).

Not only that, MxO really was the type of game where you could log on, have your character sit down, and just chat with people. It was a virtual world with it's own amazing community, hang out spots, and when you got bored (or felt like kicking @#$) quests to prove your worth and improve your image.

The music alone can bring back great MxO memories.

This emulator is kinda a step to bringing it all back. The company running MxO just gave up, and really removed a chunk from the gaming community. I'm not even the intense gaming type; MxO was the only game I was passionate with. It literally was your own personal matrix. A Get-away. It's honestly a shame they just dropped it like that.

I hope this emulator kicks off, I hope enough people dedicate to making it happen cuz it would make video game headlines.

What was MxO to you?

RE: What MxO was.. - rajkosto - 20-10-2011

nostalgia sure shows here, and this will only persist upto the point where it works semi-decently enough for you to realise what you actually did back then in mxo

RE: What MxO was.. - Rxu - 20-10-2011

Its all about the nostalgia, i personally played a bit of SWG but I can't think of any memorable time spent in-game. i had vast worlds with creatures, weapons of all kinds, space combat and even the same faction mates, but it never was as interesting or engaging as MXO.

And MXO was a game that lacked on a lot of things. If only the right company would have stood behind it we would still be there.

RE: What MxO was.. - rajkosto - 20-10-2011

if only they had...moneyyyyy
seriously if monolith kept developing it it would have been a completely different game, but WoW made sure that doesn't happen

RE: What MxO was.. - Codex - 20-10-2011

I don't play WoW but I give it credit where it's due. MxO didn't have any advertisement though, except for that excerpt in the Matrix Revolution Special Features.

Even though I didn't have a problem paying the 30 or so bucks every month, that was a little too high for players who have never even heard a single good advertisement for the game. Who pays that much money not knowing what they're investing into after-all?

Monolith would have made more profit if they: took the time to publically advertise more, maybe lower monthly rates a little to make it a little more reasonable price-wise, actually ask the players their opinions.

(20-10-2011, 02:06 PM)rajkosto Wrote: nostalgia sure shows here, and this will only persist upto the point where it works semi-decently enough for you to realise what you actually did back then in mxo

Lol, I know it's nostalgia, and I know how simple the game was; but it still stood out as far as other MMORPG's.

I've tried playing other games, and don't have memories like I do from this game. The thing I admired most about MxO was the community; half the time you didn't even have to be doing missions, just chilling - talking - and fighting was enough. Plus the clan system actually made sense.

Sometimes simple goes a long way, and MxO proved that. ;]
That's my opinion though, everyone has their own

RE: What MxO was.. - rajkosto - 20-10-2011

it was 15$
also, monolith ran out of money while developing the game, so launched earlier than anticipated because of WoW, and wow's popularity made nobody play mxo, so in the first few months monolith decided to fuck it all and abandon ship

RE: What MxO was.. - Codex - 20-10-2011

(20-10-2011, 08:00 PM)rajkosto Wrote: it was 15$
also, monolith ran out of money while developing the game, so launched earlier than anticipated because of WoW, and wow's popularity made nobody play mxo, so in the first few months monolith decided to fuck it all and abandon ship

true true, oh well, like I said it's all too bad.

RE: What MxO was.. - Aquilae - 22-10-2011

potential ruined by it's design and technical failures.

RE: What MxO was.. - Laurina - 22-10-2011

It was my first MMOG and I sticked to it as long as possible - though I was thouroghly bored at the end. It was the atmosphere, the Megacity, the Music and... the people, which made me continue. Compared to the broad mass of games outside, MxO would be still outstanding. But compared with some huge titles out there, MxO would have a hard job to compete, as it was.
After all it was the missing content, that broke its neck. I am playing Age of Conan since a year now and I am very curious about "The Secret World" now, since this game seems to have much in common with MxO. And the vast complexity of those games was also not created in a few days... they had to grow over the years. But MxO never "grew", it just remained the same from the scratch. Left alone by its creators it had to pass when more and more "Redpills" left. And nothing was done, to lure them back.

So I blame WMG for selling it out to SoE and I blame SoE to desert it. They never planned to keep it running, it was just a bloody deal about the DC crap.

I can't stop thinking back again and again, this "virtual world" had captured me. I loved each moment, I jacked in and started in Mara Central. Overall the close down is still a great loss, I can't wipe away so easily.


RE: What MxO was.. - Gaomon - 25-10-2011

(20-10-2011, 04:46 AM)Codex Wrote: Let's face it; MxO wasn't just your typical MMORPG.

Mxo was more than that. It had unique environments (more than your usual grassland and random creatured THINGS) with unique character customization (more than just elves, humans, and troll like THINGS) with a completely personal fighting style (the list of fighting types and classes MxO had was rediculiously broad).

Not only that, MxO really was the type of game where you could log on, have your character sit down, and just chat with people. It was a virtual world with it's own amazing community, hang out spots, and when you got bored (or felt like kicking @#$) quests to prove your worth and improve your image.

The music alone can bring back great MxO memories.

This emulator is kinda a step to bringing it all back. The company running MxO just gave up, and really removed a chunk from the gaming community. I'm not even the intense gaming type; MxO was the only game I was passionate with. It literally was your own personal matrix. A Get-away. It's honestly a shame they just dropped it like that.

I hope this emulator kicks off, I hope enough people dedicate to making it happen cuz it would make video game headlines.

What was MxO to you?

I Agree with you 100% on this. Let's give some encouragment and chearing to them! Smile

Matrix online was more than a mmo to me, It was having fun, going the clubs in the game partying and listen to the radio or a out break of pvp in mara c and be with friends.