OK. 1) If you see NO differences from a few years back, you haven't looked. 2) It has been mentioned many times that the codebase that runs the current server is OBSOLETE AND CANNOT BE FIXED, so using what has been learned from the first time around plus reverse engineering the client instead of just relying on captured packets and guesswork, a new codebase has been started from scratch so it's possible for the server to work like the real thing. Rajko (the ONLY person who knows this well enough to make it happen). 3) Rajko, the only one with the capacity and dedication to make this happen is extremely busy in real life, and puts whatever time he has into developing tools and the codebase for the new release of the server. Since free time is minimal, there can be no ETA.
Complaining and claiming that it can never be done and will never work just demonstrates that you have no idea how massive and complex an undertaking it is to rebuild an MMO server of this magnitude. The best thing to do if you have no idea what you're talking about is to say nothing, be grateful for what's there, and wait patiently for however long it takes. If you spent thousands of hours over years and years bringing back a game that there's NO leaked/related server code available for, and also had little to no interest or playerbase when it was live except for the few die-hards here, how sick do you think you'd be of hearing ungrateful gimme-gimme's bitching and whining that you're not working hard enough for them? Because after all, you like the game so he owes you, right?