(25-04-2016, 07:56 AM)Freezer64 Wrote: I started playing this game since the end of alpha. In fact I have 2 friends I met in Alpha that I am still friends with to this day! We loved this game, Monolith did such a great job. In fact we always say the end of alpha/beta was the best time in the game! After it went live it was still good, with all of the live events that took place, it was truly an amazing experience! I regret deleting all my old videos and pictures years ago, never thought I'd need them. This game would have been so great if Sony never got involved! I don't know all the details but I know once they had it, everyone was pissed we weren't getting what we paid for. From the elevator mission hacks to getting stuck in walls I would say it was the most fun time/experience in an MMO I've had, although short lived!
I would love to help see this thing run again. I have only recently started learning UT4. I'm self taught with mostly everything. I spend 6-8 hours a day/night playing games still, been moving more towards learning how they work instead. I would love to do some reasearch into getting needed information from whoever might still have any, Sony? Lith? WB? I have read the FAQ page and I understand people have tried, but through my years in life I think it's all about who you talk to and how you talk to them, not that the people who tried didn't do it right! I would just like to maybe try as I understand that would be a huge help?!?
I also think, and please understand I am not trying to offend anyone here, what has been done here is great, from the bottom of my heart, but I feel that people come into your life for a reason and just because others have treated you badly before, doesn't mean that the next people that come into your life will. It's never a bad thing to have an open mind, heart, and still be cautious!
If anyone has any information on who I can start to get in contact with that would be much appreciated! Also more information (technical terms) as to WHAT is needed and what isn't! If not no worries, I will try my best.
If money is an issue, anyone thought about kickstarter?
No offense, but if you look around the forums, you will see that everything you are suggesting or thinking of doing has been discussed/done.
There is no one that used to be involved with MxO that can *legally* help. And no one has been willing to step up to help illegally.
Server code would be great to have, but I doubt it even exists anywhere anyone knows about anymore.
Also, pretty sure a kickstarter would be illegal. Any game coding of mxo cant be for profit using the original mxo assets/property, or some legal mumbo jumbo like that. Rajko has a donation link for paypal up on the main site if you are interested in supporting him in general.