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Joined: Dec 2022
RE: UE4 development progress?
Btw something I've wondered about, how difficult would it be with this emu to add some OST change triggers to the former mission areas (or rather some of them)?
Would it be about as unfeasible/challenging as just reimplementing the entire mission system altogether, since it would involve making the game react to the player entering and exiting the mission areas - or is it more around the level of locking/unlocking the areas (something which was also being done by admins during events, outside of missions - I think? don't think Rarebit etc. had to start missions and then invite people for that?) and messing around with their map display?
In the original game they went from absent (or extremely faint? don't think so?) when locked to red when unlocked, and here in the emu they're all unlocked and faint green. Is that a new feature, or did they always appear like this when an admin unlocked an area (to certain players), or on some other type of other occasions?
In either case, the idea would be somewhat of an equivalent to the "&angry"/"stand" command - just like that one recreates a few aspects of the combat system (combat stance + ability to draw weapon, and switch to combat OST), something like this could be a pretty cool partial substitute for the mission system: i.e. if walking in and out of certain "mission areas" triggered a soundtrack switch, made the map red, and, idk, pretty much anything else I can think of would just be the missions themselves, so probably no lol.
(If this were made to work by locking the areas (not necessarily all of them perhaps, but select ones) again while giving the player the ability to unlock a given area, this would probably also reintroduce the brickwall doorway textures thing.)
"Extraction rooms" would be Zion of course, MisMachines for some of those big office levels from the Agent Gray/Pace meetings, and Merv would get the semi-Chateau-esque looking levels with the marble statues and who knows what else; Le Vrai is not in the game after all, right?
Mission1 would be a great match for those dilapidated maze apartments in Westview with the broken walls and spider webs everywhere (the track only ever made sense when the area/plot/both were at least somewhat spooky), and NiobeL i.e. the hotel ambush remix could just randomly (and rarely) appear in some mundane office/etc. levels, creating an unexpected&unexplained sense of unease (sort like it did originally).
And if there's a way to do that with the unused M tracks as well (might be an additional challenge for all I know), MisMerovingianM could be a decent match for Club Hel I think.
Others might think of more/better options as well - I dunno?
But yeah just throwing some ideas around lol - guessing that something like this probably wouldn't just be doable with a click or 2 and might be as inaccessible and theoretical as the whole rest of it (missions/combat/NPCs), but don't really know for sure either way.