The groups update

You can now form and join mission teams,crews, and factions! Crews are organization specific, so use the &org command to switch to the correct one first.

The &faction command is no more, as you can now form/join crews and factions via the proper in-game UI.

As a result of having proper group chat, area chat no longer reaches the whole server, but you can use /shout if you still want to do that.

EDIT 28.09.2023: Item trades between players are now working.

posted on 2022-01-20 11:16:24 Comment
Client patch 7.6004

Client 7.6004 is now out, for changes check the Patch Notes.
Any existing mxoemu install of the MxO client will update automatically.

New installs should extract to a user-writable folder and run launcher.exe, the rest of the client data will download after you log in.(Alternatively, you can download the entire client for this version here: MxO_7.6005.7z, 7-zip required to extract)

If you have a pre-mxoemu MxO install already and want to re-use it, extract to it's directory, making sure to overwrite the DLLs when asked, then run launcher.exe which will update it to the current version.

posted on 2021-07-21 20:39:54 Comment
Happy new year 2017!

While the new server isn't ready yet, I've backported some features to the currently running test server:

  • In-game character creation and deletion now work
  • You can now jump, and use the HyperJump,HyperSprint,HyperSpeed abilities
  • Communication bugs such as no longer receiving responses, infinite code/empty screen after loading should be fixed
  • You can now use archivists to get in and out of constructs (as of 16.01.2017.)
  • You can equip clothing and weapons (as of 19.02.2017.)
posted on 2017-01-13 08:37:49 Comment
Patching system change

The MxoEmuTestServer.msi launcher is now obsolete. If you run it, it will migrate your installation to the native patching system and tell you to uninstall it after it's done.

For new MxO setups, instead of installing the msi launcher, simply extract the contents of the following archive to the MxO install dir:

posted on 2014-07-25 05:22:48 Comment
Game client update 07.01.2012.

Modern renderer for The Matrix Online has been released, utilizing full vertex shaders for maximum modern OS compatibility.

Please see the forum thread for more information

posted on 2012-01-07 22:42:35 Comment
MxoEmu Test Server Launcher Updated

A new version ( of the MxoEmu Test Server Launcher has been released.

The download link is the same as before: MxoEmuTestServer.msi

Major added feature of this release is the ability to use commandline parameters same as you would when using the normal Mxo Launcher. All the normal commands you would use with the Mxo Launcher will work correctly, such as -user, -pwd, -char. Additionally, you can use the -skiplaunch parameter to indicate that MXO should be launched immediately after patching is complete.

posted on 2011-01-27 21:05:16 Comment
The MxoEmu Test Server is online

You will need the latest version of the SOE Matrix Online client already installed on your system

If you do not already have it, download it from this link: MatrixOnline.7z and extract into a directory of your choice using 7-Zip or WinRAR

It is recommended to use a download manager to download this file, as it is quite large (1.6GB). The one i recommend is Free Download Manager (

After you have the Matrix Online client installed, download the MxoEmu TestServer Launcher installer from here: MxoEmuTestServer.msi and run it.

During the installation, your antivirus might detect the file MxoEmuTestLaunch.exe as a virus. This is because it was packed to reduce the size by more than half. Add the file or folder to your AV's whitelist.

If you have UAC on, and The Matrix Online is installed in a priviledged directory (such as Program Files), you will have to set the launcher to run as administrator so it can access the files it needs.

When you first start the MxoEmu Test Server Launcher, it will ask you to find the directory in which you have The Matrix Online installed. After that, it will not ask you for it again. With the launcher open, simply click the Launch button to start the configured instance of The Matrix Online, and login as normal.

In-game character creation does not work, so use this website to create them and customize their appearance and location.

Have fun.

posted on 2010-09-01 09:22:16 Comment
MxoEmu portal launched

The new website for MxoEmu has launched !

This website allows you to register an account, create and edit your characters, view other user's characters, see the server and world status, and see what's happening on the server via the world map !

If you already have a test server account, you may log in by clicking on the link above, if not, it's easy to register an account.

Have fun in the Matrix universe!

Site best viewed using Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and up.

posted on 2010-08-27 00:10:05