The Matrix Online Server Emulator

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MxO Emulator Wardrobe

I've spent some time over the last week updating the look, fixing bugs and cleaning up the code of the original wardrobe. I plan to release the code on github - open source - as a gift back to the community.

Looks great man, thanks
Keep on bootstrappin
You have a stray messagebox on pants colour tho
Thanks for finding that - fixed. :-)

Code for the wardrobe has been pushed to GitHub.

Anyone wanting to hack on the code, feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests for your enhancements.
Awesome sauce Gatebuzz - Thanks and welcome -
This is a nice surprise. Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.

How does a non-code savvy use this?
Excellent work, operative.
Good stuff man.
Not bad, man. Very handy.
The original link 404'd, if anyone wants to use this, the source is on
And i've mirrored it to