The Matrix Online Server Emulator

Full Version: Suspiciously Enough, MxO subways have the same layout as the DC Metro
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I found this in the Matrix, and being born and raised in the area, I immediately recognized this map:

[Image: 9dzV2.png]

Which I've seen on many occasions while getting from place to place.

Now here it is in the real world, but somehow in corrected left right mirror mode:

that's because it's just a texture of the DC metro anyway Big Grin
the real subway system in mxo is more like this:
[Image: Rx6a.png]
[Image: Rx8D.png] [Image: Rx6y.png]
[Image: RxIu.png]
If you flip this map on its side and squint a little, its still a pretty fair copy of the DC metro map

[Image: Rx6y.png]
If you print that map, fold it in quarters, cut along the middle, unfold it, turn it upside down, punch yourself in the face, put on someone else's glasses (strong prescription for best effect), and stare at it with your eyes crossed for 10 minutes, you get a headache. Trust me, it works.
I like to eat soup.
lol <3 you guys in a manly non-sexual way
COINCIDENCE? i think nay

nice find