Posts: 22
Threads: 4
Joined: May 2021
MxO Emulator - All in one
This thread serves the purpose of providing easier navigation and access to all the needed or otherwise useful information about mxoemu from both, forums and discord, that anyone, new or otherwise, might be searching for.
- The Matrix Community discord | This discord server is where all the awakened hang around and chat (not only about The Matrix);
- Radio Free Zion website | Your favorite radio from the old days brought back thanks to the community effort;
- Guide to MxOEMU Player Commands | Compiled by bitbomb, a comprehensive guide on how to use commands for teleportation, playing animation, action & fx etc;
- - - MxO Emu &playfx, &playanim and &playaction macro generator | Compiled by PS10N, a sheet with &playfx, &playanim, and &playaction commands easy for copy-pasting into the game chat → ctrl+insert;
- - - MxO Emu &setmask list | Compiled by bitbomb, a list with &setmask commands easy for copy-pasting into the game chat → ctrl+insert;
- - - MxO Emu &gib list | Compiled by Rajkosto, a list with &gib commands easy for copy-pasting into the game chat → ctrl+insert;
- - - White Halls, Org Areas, and Other Stuff You Can't Walk To | Compiled by bitbomb, a list of coordinates for teleportation with &gotopos command to all the areas you can't normally access (yet);
- - - Club Location Coordinates | Compiled by gh0stX7, a list of coordinates for teleportation with &gotopos command to the clubs in the Mega City;
- Mega City Fashions 1999 | Compiled by 20X6, a detailed visual presentation of all the clothing items in MxO with the SKUS codes for use with &gib command;